Upcoming & Current Events

Buckhorn Festival of the Arts 2024

These are a few pieces that will be included in the show. [SIGN-UP] for my [...]

L&A Studio Tour 2024

L&A Studio Tour 2024 Lennox and Addington County

Belleville Art Association & Gallery

As a member of the Belleville Art Association my work is shown in the Gallery [...]

Special project

As my style of painting evolved, I transitioned from completely abstract painting to incorporating flowers into the work. When naming my pieces, I often refer to poems or quotes for inspiration to find a name that reflects the essence of the piece. I began to wonder, what if flowers had a voice and could speak, what would they say and what would they want the world to hear? 

This led me to create this series of paintings “If Flowers Could Speak”. The title for each painting in this series was inspired by a quote or a line from a poem or song. If flowers could speak, I believe this is what they would want us to hear.

Visit the website: ifflowerscouldspeak.com

Purchasing Information

Original Artwork